
Education Workshops

As an experienced teacher and university administrator, I am a firm believer in holistic education that is both research-driven and grounded in real-world applications. For educators looking to enrich their instructional methods, I offer innovative approaches to cultivate dynamic and immersive learning environments that promote student engagement and foster growth.

What are the key objectives of your educational workshops?
Our workshops aim to educate, engage, and empower participants on a range of psychological and well-being topics. Each workshop is tailored to the specific needs and goals of the client, ensuring relevance and maximum impact.
How is the cost of a workshop determined?

The pricing for workshops is based on the length of the workshop and the number of attendees. For workshops conducted out of town, additional charges for travel and lodging will apply, if applicable.

What is the process to organize a workshop with you?
To ensure that the workshop meets your objectives, a meeting prior to the workshop is essential. This discussion will help in tailoring the content and format. Additionally, it’s important to note that workshops require a reservation at least two months in advance.
Can the workshop be customized for our specific group or organization's needs?
Absolutely! Each workshop is uniquely crafted based on the individual requirements of the client. We work closely with you to ensure that the content and approach align with your objectives and the needs of your attendees.
Are there any additional costs we should be aware of?
Beyond the workshop fee, which is determined by its length and the number of attendees, any out-of-town workshops may incur extra charges for travel and accommodation. All potential costs will be transparently discussed during our preliminary meeting.

ADHD Educator and Parenting Workshops

With a specialization in addressing challenges related to ADHD, I provide valuable insights and practical strategies, empowering both educators and parents to better understand ADHD and create a supportive academic setting or home environment, where children with ADHD can thrive. My goal is to create a transformative educational experience that brings out the best in both educators and students.

Who is the ADHD workshop designed for?
The workshop is tailored for individuals with ADHD, those living or working with someone with ADHD, or institutions and workplaces looking to better understand and support individuals with ADHD.
What can participants expect to learn in the ADHD workshop?
Participants will gain insights into the nature of ADHD, learn effective coping strategies, and address common misconceptions surrounding the condition. The goal is to foster understanding and provide practical tools for everyday challenges.
Can the workshop be customized based on the audience?

Absolutely! The workshop content can be tailored to fit the specific needs of educational institutions or work environments, ensuring maximum relevance and impact for attendees.

How does this workshop benefit those without ADHD?
Even for those without ADHD, understanding the condition aids in fostering empathy, improving relationships, and offering effective support in both personal and professional settings.

Team Development Workshops

In addition to offering counseling services, I am also passionate about sharing knowledge and empowering groups through public speaking engagements. Whether you’re seeking a dynamic team event speaker or a skilled workshop leader, I can provide tailored presentations to support your organization’s goals. My talks are designed to inspire personal growth, foster effective communication, and promote overall well-being. With a diverse background in psychology, organizational systems, and entrepreneurship, I aim to deliver engaging, meaningful, and transformative experiences for your team.

Why is team development important?
Team development enhances collaboration, improves communication, and builds trust among team members. This can lead to increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, and better overall team performance.
What strategies are used in team development?
Techniques can range from team-building exercises and structured training sessions, to feedback mechanisms, and leadership coaching, all aimed at fostering a cohesive and effective team environment.
How long does the team development process typically take?
The duration varies based on the team’s specific needs, challenges, and objectives. Some interventions might be short-term, while others could be spread out over several months.
Can team development address conflicts within the team?
Absolutely. Conflict resolution is a key component of many team development approaches. By addressing underlying issues and improving communication, many team conflicts can be resolved and even prevented.

Gender Workshops

Gender workshops offer an introduction into the development of gender identities. Nowadays, the vocabulary of pronounce and self-expressions of gender, may be unknown to some and possibly can be difficult to understand, especially in a work environment. The workshop is designed to introduce a non-biased and objective overview on gender issues, what impact this may have on the workplace, and understanding what is expected from an employer in relationship to these issues.

What are gender issues and why are they important?
Gender issues pertain to the social, cultural, and behavioral norms associated with being male or female. Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring equality, understanding identity, and promoting a just society.
How can workplaces address gender issues?
Workplaces can promote gender equality through policies that ensure equal opportunities, pay equity, and a safe environment free from discrimination or harassment. Gender sensitivity training can also be beneficial.
How do gender issues influence mental health?
Gender roles and expectations can influence self-worth, identity, and societal pressures, which may impact mental well-being. Recognizing and addressing these influences is vital for comprehensive mental health care.
Why is gender identity different from biological sex?
Biological sex refers to the physical characteristics, such as chromosomes and reproductive anatomy. Gender identity is about how individuals perceive themselves and identify as male, female, both, neither, or somewhere along the gender spectrum, regardless of their biological sex.

Diversity Workshops

The concept of diversity tends to raise questions that are not always easy to answer. Societies understanding of diversity has significantly changed since its emergence as an important component in a professional setting. This workshop offers a non-political and objective introduction to the main issues within this realm. I strive to provide relatable and relevant examples and avoid falling into a self-blaming and shaming narrative.

Why is understanding diversity important?
Embracing diversity fosters a more inclusive, innovative, and harmonious environment. It leads to richer perspectives, better decision-making, and mirrors the diverse world we live in.
How can organizations promote diversity?
Organizations can promote diversity through inclusive hiring practices, training programs, fostering open dialogue, and promoting a culture of respect and understanding for all.
What challenges arise from diversity?
While diversity brings many strengths, it can also lead to misunderstandings or conflicts stemming from cultural or personal differences. These challenges, however, can be addressed through education and open communication.
How does diversity relate to productivity and innovation?

Diverse teams often bring a wider range of perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions and better problem-solving. In turn, this can drive productivity and business growth.

Get In Touch


Centralbahnplatz 12
4051 Basel, Switzerland


By appointment:
Mon - Thu: 9 am - 7 pm
Fri: 9 am - 5 pm
Sat - Sun: 10 am - 4 pm
